Stretch Therapy Sessions
If you’re thinking about taking an online stretch therapy in Sydney but not yet sure, in this blog, you’ll know the basic information and benefits of having stretch therapy. Moreover, all the stretching exercises and training that you’ll learn here will help you improve your body’s performance so you can perform your daily activities with less or without pain in your every movement. In fact, a single movement from you usually takes up to 19 muscles that are in control, so taking stretch therapy is worth the money.
Also, a lot of people try to skip this part because they don’t know what they’re doing, lack time, or motivation, and plenty of other excuses So, one of the solutions to that is by consulting an expert about stretch therapy and asking for some kind of a recommendation, or list of stretching exercises that you can do easily.

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What does Stretch Therapy Involve?
Our Online Stretch therapy session will involve the help of props like straps, balls, foam rollers, bolsters, sticks, chairs, towels etc to help the soft tissues and nerves feel more neurologically relaxed to get deeper into stretches. The body will not allow you to stretch much without feeling warm, and relaxed as possible. Sometimes there is a level of discomfort or better described as a sensation - and we ask that you tune into your body, be mindful and remember to breathe.
Can you Relax any more?
This will benefit you in stretch and massage therapy, as a tensed up body preparing for attack will not be able to reap the full benefits of the therapy. Obviously if there is intense pain, one should ease in and out of positions and check the form with the therapist, who should be carefully observing you and adjusting where necessary.
The mantra of Stretch Therapy is to move slowly, with full awareness.

What are the Benefits of Stretch Therapy?
If you’re not yet that much convinced with the importance and why you should take stretch therapy, below are just some of the well-known benefits of this therapy to your body:
Improve the level of ease in the body
Rid of unnecessary tension where possible
Improve your flexibility, strength, and mobility
Delays the effect of aging
Reduces your chances of getting injured
Improves the blood flow and circulatory system of your muscles, joints, and tissues
Treat the tightness and tensions in the muscle
Improves your body posture to free up your back pain
Up-levels your overall body fitness
Helps you to be relieved from stress and anxiety
Regular Stretching vs Assisted Stretching
A key difference with Stretch Therapy vs other stretching is the partner assisted stretching. There is solo stretching on your own, and partnered whereby someone else aids your alignment and depth of stretching, all of which can be taught in a class.
Generally you will learn the proper execution of the solo exercise techniques and know which muscles to focus on so they can get the most out of this stretch therapy, before attempting partnered stretches.
Assisted Stretching
When it comes to assisted stretching, someone will help you with all the important things to know, and the DOs and DON’Ts during a stretch therapy workshop. Also, the one who will be assisting you is already knowledgeable about all the techniques and which muscles to focus on so that you will have a unique routine that is focused on your physical fitness needs. If you’re not familiar with the system of this therapy, don’t hesitate to contact an expert like us to assist you with stretch therapy classes.
Setting an appointment for Stretch Therapy Classes Online?
If you are looking to stay at home while taking stretch therapy sessions, there’s a way to actually set yourself up for online stretch therapy classes. At the moment Mojotherapy only teaches 1:1 online set up privately, there are no group online classes. This way it is bespoke to your needs.
Setting up for your in home stretch therapy
So how does it work? Well, there can be different stretch therapy classes that focus on a certain muscle area or group, or function you wish to focus on. Contact Mojotherapy to discuss your needs so we can draw up a plan or program to run you through either in person or online, which we can tailor bespoke as you progress - it all depends on what your goals are, what your body is feeling and performing right now in this moment.
Other in Home stretch therapy Options
You can also choose from pre recorded video plans and programs via Stretch Therapy founders. Then, as you watch the video, you can simply follow the steps and instructions of the therapist. It is also usually much cheaper compared to a face-to-face class of stretch therapy. Also, do not worry if you don’t have a partner because there are classes that only apply solo stretch exercise techniques.
Preparing for an Online Stretch Therapy Class
As you plan to join an online stretch therapy class, here are some of the ways that you can do to prepare yourself so you’ll have the best experience in your stretch therapy classes:
Go to a place/room that you can really focus on by having little to no distractions at all.
Make sure that the room has a wall where you can sit against or lean.
Prepare a yoga mat, rug, or any soft surface on the floor where you can easily kneel on.
Wear a proper exercise outfit so you can move and stretch your body freely.
Coming to classes on time.
Looking for Stretch therapy near me? What locations do you service?
We are based in Ashfield and typically service clients from the following areas;
Suburbs inner west: Annandale, Ashfield, Ashbury, Camperdown, Canterbury, Croydon, Croydon Park, Concord, Canada Bay, Dulwich Hill, Enmore, Five Dock, Haberfield, Hurlstone Park, Lewisham, Leichhardt, Lilyfield, Marrickville, Newtown, Petersham, Stanmore, Summer Hill, St Peters, Sydenham, Tempe.
Though we have had clients as far as Parramatta, Baulkham Hills, Hurstville, Surry Hills and Randwick.
What will happen in a Stretch Therapy Session?
In a way, stretch therapy is similar in approach to massage therapy. Both of them can be delivered 1-on-1 with your therapist. First, you fill out a form about your medical history and the therapist conducts a quick assessment. They will focus on what soft tissue issues hinder your body movement’s mobility and flexibility with a practical plan.